Start Building a business/company Facebook page

Building a business/company Facebook page - Facebook, over the years has evolved into not just a social platform for us to keep in touch with friends and family, it has also provided us with the means to take our business/company to the whole world with the help of a business Facebook page.
To be able to reach out to your customers, you have to create a unique business Facebook page. We'll be showing you steps on Building a business Facebook page.

To get started, go to Here, you will have different classifications to choose from that best suits you. These classifications provide you with more significant & compatible fields for your desired page.

B. COMPLETE THE BASIC INFORMATION:Here, Facebook will automatically guide you through the four basic sections to complete the essential aspects of your page which are:

The ''About'' section: This section talks about your company. You should describe your company in two-three sentences. This description will be on your main page so try to make it concise and descriptive. Make sure the link to your company's website is included. Make sure that the information provided differentiates your brand from other brands so your page will be engaging and entrancing to potential followers. You also select your unique domain here.

Upload a profile picture for the page: The profile picture will serve as the main visual icon of your page. This will appear in search results along with any posts or comment you publish. The recommended size of a page's profile picture is 180 x 180 pixels. 

Add to ''Favorites'': Add your business/company page as a favorite item for easy access.
Reach more people: Although you will be prompted by Facebook, I would advice against running an advert at this point because your page is still at its infant stage.

C. UNDERSTANDING THE ADMIN PANEL:Your business/company page is now live! You will be asked if you would love to ''Like'' your page. As this activity will appear in the news feeds of those who are your friends on Facebook, I would advice against clicking the ''Like'' button for the same reasons I gave under ''Reach more people''. Click on ''Settings'' in the top navigation bar. A vertical navigation bar with different sections should appear along the left hand side. We'll be treating three essential sections below: 

Page info: You can add more details about your business/company. The different fields shown to you here will be based on your classification in step A.
Notifications: Here, you get to choose how and when you want to receive page alerts. The frequency should fit with the schedule for your social media marketing. 

Page roles: Here, you can invite your employees/other colleagues to make changes to the pages. Commonly seen cases are:
Public Relations Manager who needs to respond to any delicate question/questions
A Support Representative who can assist those answering technical questions
A Designer that will be charged with uploading new and creative images to the page

: You are currently provided with six different posting options: Plain text status, Photo with caption, Link with caption, Video with caption, Event page, and Location check-in. Make sure to post variety contents. Click on the little grey arrow in the top right corner of each post and then click on ''Pin to top'' to move that particular post to the top of your page's timeline for seven days. You can use this feature for product announcement, business/company anniversaries and other major events that are germane to your brand. 

Cover photo: This is the large horizontal branded image that spans the top of your Facebook page. This image will help attract people to your page. The official dimensions for a cover photo are 851 x 315 pixels.

Now that you have relevant contents on the page, you can invite users in this category to like it:
Colleagues/Employees: to build initial activity 

Supporters in your network: They should be encouraged to engage Customers

Metrics for tracking your page growth has been provided by Facebook. To track your page's growth, click the ''Insights'' option to see the following: 

Overview: This shows the page likes, post, reach, and overall engagement over a period of seven days. 

Likes: This shows your overall fan growth and losses. Also, if you ran an advert, you'll be able to see the detailed breakdown of paid versus organic growth. 

Reach: This highlights the raw number of people your page is reaching everyday. 

Visits: This shows you where on Facebook your viewers are coming from.

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